Superliga Universitária PA




The UNIVERSITÁRIA SUPERLIGA is one of the stages of the UNIVERSITY SPORT MANAGEMENT research project organized by UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO PARÁ.SUPERLIGA will have the participation of 6 public universities in the State. UEPA, UFPA, UFRA, IFPA, UNIFESSPA AND UFOPA will compete in regionalized tournaments in 8 poles: Guajará and Marajó Oriental, Guamá, Rio Caetés, Rio Capim, Carajás and Araguaia, Xingú and Lago de Tucuruí, Tapajós and Baixo Amazonas and TOCANTINS and Marajó western.The winners of the regionalized tournaments will be classified for a grand final, to be held in the state capital, Belém.This is a project promoted by SECTET and GOVERNO DO PARÁ and has the support of Fapespa.If you are a student at one of the universities mentioned above, look for your Directorate or Dean of Extension to find out how the selection of teams that will represent your campus will be.Dont miss out on the biggest sporting event held by Public Universities in the State of Pará!